ENO Weekly Round Up, Week of 6/4/20

15th April 2020 in News

Here’s another round up of our favourite bits you might’ve missed on ENO’s social channels last week.

Feeling crafty? Our Head of Costume, Christina McGlynn, gives a masterclass on how to make Suffolk Puffs, as seen in #ENOButterfly


The ENO prop workshop’s supply of latex gloves and dust masks were sent to the NHS to help with the national PPE shortage:


Can you guess which operetta this peer-driven train appears in?

Got some Lego lying around? Try the #ENOLegoChallenge out for yourself!


Working from home? Here’s a playlist from us to you, to help get you through the working day:

Our Music Department’s Richard Peirson put a positive spin on some well known tear-jerking operas…


And finally… the weekly quiz! Give it a go and let us know how you get on.